All Bubble API Connector calls disappeared?

As the title says all the API calls I created under the Bubble API Connector Plugin have vanished. I am still able to call the events in the workflow but can no longer view/edit them in the Plugin.

I was still able to “add another API” but after calling it in my workflow they all disappeared again! Now there are double the amount of events as options in the workflow, however, I can no longer edit the API (parameter/header/keys/etc)

I was able to make the edits last week. Is this something I’m doing wrong or is it Bubble’s bug?

reach out to Bubble support. Look like bug at Bubble side.

Thanks for the suggestion. I reached out to

If I get this resolved with them I will give an update here.
But if anyone else has any ideas, please let me know!

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I have the same problem @gregorybork1 … Do you found any solution?

Yes, it was because of a browser extension. So I would check them to make sure none of them are blocking the api from rendering.