API connector not working?

Hi there,

I’ve been experiencing a weird behavior for the last 20 min (approx), on both my test and live environment (didn’t push anything to live recently).

Any button in my app that would trigger a workflow with a call to a third party API appears disabled and if I click on that button I have the error “Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t complete your request. We’ll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!”

Looking at the dev tools :

  • There is no network request logged.
  • On page load, the console reports that “get_test_api_call is not defined”

Could anyone help me out?

Are your calls always initialized in API Connector? Did you do any change to them?

I’ve tested a few apps and there’s no issue on my side.

There is a major outage in Bubble https://status.bubble.io/

Yes, there are again issues. You can see it on the status page

I just tried to refresh my login page (for the 10th time), on both test and live:

  • Button is not disabled anymore.
  • No console error anymore.
  • The login workflow (that relies on a third party api call) works find.

So it seems to be back up and running… :crossed_fingers:

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