All I want for christmas is to Cancel Stripe Subscription at Period End

When a user cancels a subscription, I want it to be canceled at the “end of the period”. By default the “cancel a subscription” action cancels the user’s plan immediately. I’ve checked the forum, but can’t find the updated way to do this within Bubble.

I know this could previously be done through the Stripe.js “Cancel a subscription” action.

However, the option to cancel At Period End is no longer available. Per Stripe this is now done under Update a Subscription. This option doesn’t seem to be available in the Update Subscription actions within Bubble.

How do I go about having the subscriptions cancelled only at the period end without having to manually do this in the Stripe Dashboard each time?


try customer.subscription.deleted webhook, it has the cancel at period end field in it.


@cowontherun Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi did you get this working?

I’m interested in knowing if you had to use a plugin aside from the default Bubble one.

I want to:
set cancel at period end to true when User turns Auto Renew to Off
set set cancel at period end to false when User turns Auto Renew to On.

Are you trying to do something similar?


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