Anyone built an API plugin for Microsoft Graph yet?

@renelonngren, I’m not entirely sure as I haven’t encountered that error before.

Do you have the “” scope?

Did you click the “here” link before trying to authenticate? It’s in the last line before the “Authenticate” button.

These are the scopes: offline_access Mail.ReadWrite Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared User.ReadBasic.All Contacts.ReadWrite Mail.Send

and yes, I did click the “here” link. I am also getting the same error when using the plugin.

The url returned seems to carry the code:

But still throws that error…

Do you have a space between each scope in the app? I’m not sure if this would cause an issue “Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared User.ReadBasic.All”.

Hey @renelonngren,

I took a look at my plugin set up, and while I feel “User.ReadBasic.All” should cover it, I can see that on the app side, I’ve entered just “User.Read” like @Kfawcett said. Maybe try adding that?


Also just want to double check that you’ve added a “web platform” to your app settings on the Microsoft side and entered in the redirect url there.

Depending on the type of Microsoft account you’re using, this may apply.

" Remarks

The only permissions valid for Microsoft accounts are User.Read and User.ReadWrite . For work or school accounts, all permissions are valid."


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@Kfawcett and @romanmg - thanks so much for your help.

I was finally able to make this work, building my own api. I think the errors were caused by having used personal Microsoft/Outlook accounts and not the actual plugin or the descriptions in this tread.

For future reference: it is worth getting a free Microsoft Office 365 developer account so you can try out the API integration using a work account and not a personal account only. This is needed to be able to create an event with attendees for example, or sourcing the user avatar.


Greetings, all. Been trying to get the Graph API to work in Bubble but am getting a “Reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application.” Not sure if this related to Bubble requiring we use the debug_mode parameter to set up the call, but I’m about ready to pull my hair out. Any ideas/tips, @Kfawcett or @romanmg ?

Thanks in advance!

@Kfawcett : any idea how I can get the name etc of the user into the bubble db after the user signed up with his ms account?