Anyone experiencing inconsistencies in Bubble editor?

Over the last few hours today, I am seeing random workflow actions (especially related to plugin actions) showing ‘missing’ action steps, some UI elements behaving weirdly etc, which seems to remain even after reloading the editor page. I had to roll back to a previous time point.

Anyone experiencing this? I presume Bubble engineers are doing updates during the quiet holiday period…!

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There was a specific note that no changes would be made this week, so it’s not that.

Sorry no other idea though

Thanks Troy. I noticed the home page where all of the apps are listed displayed standard ‘We just updated this page…’ message a few times while I was working :thinking:

I guess they are a bunch of liars…

@josh why are you changing things on xmas week?

Well, it caused major headache and head scratching to the extend I’ve actually lost hair!

Not touching the editor for a couple of days!

@josh better communication would be most welcome :hugs:

Twitter handle suggested raising a support ticket. That would’ve been a waste of everyone’s time.

Did you clear cache and reboot?

Noone else is reporting issues

I’ve been in my editor all day today and haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.

For a few hours I saw workflows disappear from my editors, something I’ve never really seen so consistently in the last few hours. Everything seems to be back in place.

Thanks John - that was my issue too, plus some reusable components behaving oddly (not draggable and staying fixed on page for example).

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