Anyone got a good solution for the bubble editor crashing constantly?

No problems with Edge, which is technically a Chromium browser.

Buy a Mac

Haha thereā€™s always one

Iā€™ll give arc a go - thanks :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve used Chrome and then now Edge. Never really had problems with crashing. All I do is clear cache and hard reset every once in a while.

I also have no browser extensions running.

Started with Arc yesterday and it is noticeably faster than chrome and brevo (I tried that last time).

Bubble actually loads faster than I can think now. Iā€™ll see how long itā€™ll go before it crashes today.

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Arc is awesome. Itā€™s my daily driver when developing

Iā€™m sure you are correct. I was just going off of my experience when I went from 16GB to 32GB of RAM which was a gamechanger.

Here are a bunch of them:


This happened to me all the time when I used Chrome. Switched to Opera and itā€™s way better. Brave is good, too.

So a few days into using Arc and I havenā€™t had 1 single crashā€¦

Amazing. I can also feel how much faster the browser is than chrome was when using bubble editor. Thanks so much for the recommendation.

Seems like any browser other than Chrome works fine, even Chromium browsers like Edge.

When you start building decent size apps, 16GB RAM is not enough. (206 Pages, 241 tables) Thanks for the Arc tip.

What are you doing with 206 pages and 241 tables :thinking:


and I thought my biggest app was big!

206 pages and 241 tablesā€¦ thatā€™s a very big app

what are you building that needs this much logic?

ERP. It started as a temperature register during covid. The joy (and curse) of low-codeā€¦ :slight_smile: