API Call in a Repeating group

I need your help, I want to display .pdf invoices retrieved using an API. Here is the GET request, it works fine, I can preview and it sends me back to the invoice in a new tab. For the repeating group, I’d like to retrieve the block_hash of the line, and when I click on the PDF icon, a workflow is launched to open the invoice. However, I can’t do anything with the API, not even change the block_hash, even though I’ve set it to dynamic…

Thanks for your help!

Capture d’écran 2024-04-25 à 14.54.24

@victor11 the url parameter is set to private, so you would not be able to use it in the editor. Uncheck the private checkbox and you will be able to use it. Be careful with sensitive data!

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Thanks you !!!
Have a good day !