API Connector not getting all information needed

Hi everyone!

I am stuck with a situation when I try to integrate the Trello API with my bubble project. I am trying to collect info from a checklist from a list on a board. My path works fine- as you can see from this link the JSON displays very well. I have 2 Checklists, both with 3 items in them. Ideally, I want to check if all of these checklists are completed, and if not, which ones still need to be completed.

When I try to replicate this in Bubble using the API connector plugin, I can initialize the call and modify call types just fine, using this url: GET https://api.trello.com/1/boards/577bc849d33d7d9c7cac5aee/checklists?key=1032d14357599ce75304122435ea1715

However, I do not get nearly as many variables that I can modify as there were in the original JSON. Instead,I only get the name of the first checklist (checklist 1) and the first item in that Checklist (Thing A). It does not give me the other two items or the other checklist. What can I do to be able to modify and store the other variables?

Thanks for reading, please tell me if you need more information.

What would be incredibly useful would be to create the situation with an API key that isn’t sensitive and open the app in read only mode so that other users can try.

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