Good Morning! I am having an issue where I am sending a patch API Request using Connector to the Bubble Database, however on sending an empty/null value to an item that references an Option Set, it clears its value instead of leaving it as its original value?
The idea is that I am using one JSON-structured API for two purposes, one of which does not set the value of ‘Status’. I have tried using parenthesis, and also checking and un-checking ‘allow blank’, yet it still seems to blank the value.
When the JSON for the ‘Status’ element is removed from the API Patch, it leaves the value alone, so I feel the ‘Allow Blank’ is actually clearing the field, instead of ignoring ‘this line of JSON’ by sending a null request.
Physically writing null next to the JSON structure for that line also clears the ‘Status’ value.
Thanks for any advice you may be able to provide. I have has a really good hunt across the forum world, but cannot seem to find anything relating to this issue.
Mapped Fields on API Initilisation
API Patch Settings:
Backend Workflow:
Bubble Server Log:
Data Structure: