API Connector sends request twice

The data displayed on the screen is retrieved from an external service using an API connector from Bubble.
On the external service side, we check the parameters, and as we found out from the error message, all API connector services always access the external service twice. The first time, the parameters are called in an insufficient form, resulting in a parameter error, and the second time, the parameters specified on the Bubble side are passed correctly, so the correct data is returned. Is there a way to prevent the first request?

It looks that you are making first API Call to soon, not having parameters ready. Try ro put some condition to fire this call when all required paramteres are ready

[quote=“marpas, post:2, topic:349215, full:true”]
It looks that you are making first API Call to soon, not having parameters ready. Try ro put some condition to fire this call when all required paramteres are ready

thank you for your reply.

Should I check whether the parameters are complete as a condition when calling APIConnector from W/F?
What exactly is the command?

Put a condition on this API Call action (if this is an action event).

It’s difficult to specify what the condition should look like, but it should evaluate to ‘yes’ only if all parameters required by the call are ready.

Excuse me, but could you tell me where I should set it?
When calling from Workflow?
Where to configure API Connector?

Yes. Put a condition on worflow step that is responsible for calling API.

You don’t need to change API Connector configuration.

thank you.
I’ll try it.

Hello, I’ve been looking into trying this out, but haven’t found a way to do it yet.
The current challenge is to speed up the display of tables created with Repeating groups.
I am using API Connector to retrieve data from an external site using Data Event.
Is there a way to issue a DataEvent (?) once the parameters are all set?