I’ve been using bubble for about 2 months and haven’t introduced myself yet.
I’m Nick
I’d say I’ve got some pretty basic coding skills like HTML, CSS and JS.
And Im a wiz with zapier haha. But API’s & json are my next big challenge and sometimes they get confusing.
Right now i’m trying to sync my chatfuel bot with my bubble app, so that the two interfaces can exchange contextual data.
Specifically, I want to know if its possible to
have bubble open the messenger bot when the user clicks on a link that triggers the bot
Send a text card to the bot that contains dynamic bubble values for the user and potenially set them as chatfuel user attributes
I’ve followed the Bubble tutorials on API connecting, but I’m still confused on how to configure this call.
Not sure how to write the params.
So Far this is what I have.
I used a sample body example that chatfuel provided for sending text back to the bot.
And on the chatfuel side, I have a JSON card with the GET action, but not sure what the url should be?
Sorry if i did a horrible job explaining that, haha.
I just want my bot to be in sync with my Bubble database, so that the user gets a consistent experience across channels.
The best approach is to get everything to work in Postman. Once you have that working, copy it into the appropriate fields in Bubble, which doesn’t try to address troubleshooting as well as Postman.
I downloaded this but unfortunately, its still too technical for me.
The problem is, I understand conceptually what i want to achieve.
But I don’t know how to set up this connection at all.
I’ve been reading what I can on APIs but it still feels like a foreign language.
Thanks for the suggestion though!
Have you gone through all the specific chatfuel API docs? They’re unbelievably boring but all say the same thing:. "Take your info, send it a certain way, and when we get it, we will send our response a certain way. I know you understand this. Start with a more simple call from the same company you are working with. , The API docs start with the easy ones. Then, Work your way through the more challenging. You’ll see patterns and correct your own mistakes.
Most apis require a bit of tinkering. Some are garbage.
You’ll soon master this if you’ve gotten this far.