API posts but doesn't initialize(show in workflow actions)


I’m trying to post to Microsoft Teams via a webhook.

I initialise the call and the json gets posted correctly to Teams

Nonetheless the action doesn’t appear in my workflow.

Also my expectation when adding dynamic value as a parameter would be to be able to select a field in the bubble workflow like “Title’s Value” but I don’t get prompted for this.

Am I doing something wrong?


Do you get the same problem with POST to other endpoints?

Try refresh the app editor, then recreate the API call.

Sometimes the API connector glitches if changing headers/parameters or renaming calls.

To make dynamic values available, uncheck “private”.

As for the action availability - does the initialize call button change to “modify call” after you’ve initialized?

It’s the only endpoint I have, but I have recreated it several times and keeps happening.

@romanmg Thanks for the Private tip.
It stays as Initialize Call.

I’ve managed to make it work using what I guess is old behaviour. Using Data type Text and making sure the header sends the json format.

However I would expect to use the Body for complex json

Any ideas?

How about the combination of the header Content-Type and Data type JSON?

It didn’t work :pensive:

However I noticed that I didn’t try the Body JSON with Data Type Text. This worked OK.

And this also works OK. No header set. So my assumption is that the problem is actually with the Data Type JSON

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Your API call should be set to use as Action not as Data. Check that and let me know.


That worked! :100: Thanks Gaby!

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