I’ve setup and been successfully testing an API connection, but it has suddenly stopped working. Now when I try to run or re-initialize it I get an error:
“There was an issue setting up your call.
Raw error for the API
self signed certificate in certificate chain”
I didn’t change anything and the connection I’m making does not require any authorization. I tried setting up a new call but get the same result.
Can anyone explain what is causing this error and how I fix it?
Try changing the endpoint to http:// instead of https://
Otherwise if your endpoint requires https, I ran into this and asked Bubble if they could add the option to ignore self signed certificates but they wouldn’t do it. So I had to make a plugin do the API calls in code instead and turn the response into Bubble plugin Things, it was a pain for all the different API calls.
Thanks @tylerboodman
I tried the http instead of https but it did not help.
What’s killing me with this is that it was working fine and then this error came out of nowhere… Anyone know how this error arises?
Sounds like the API service changed something on their end that uses a self signed cert, maybe ask them first if something was changed.