Issue with client-side SSL certificate in API connector


I have an issue with client-side SSL certificate using API connector:
Raw error for the API
{“message”:“unable to verify the first certificate”,“args”:{“origin”:“native error”,“code”:“UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE”,“outer_stack”:{“message”:".wait() was called here",“args”:{},“stack”:“UnexpectedError .wait() was called here\n at Block.wait (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/u/u.js:1391:24)\n at Promise.block (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/u/u.js:2215:20)\n at /home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/apiconnectorbase.js:1510:45\n at Function.Lib.extend (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/lib.js:276:16)\n at TestAPICall.calls.TestAPICall.TestAPICall.execute (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/apiconnectorbase.js:1477:22)\n at /home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/api_service.js:42:20\n at Function.Lib.extend (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/lib.js:276:16)\n at APIService.module.exports.APIService.doapicallfromserver (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/api_service.js:21:18)\n at (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/api_service.js:14:28)\n at ServiceHoster.module.exports.ServiceHoster._call_service (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/service_hoster.js:504:28)\n at ServiceHoster.module.exports.ServiceHoster.request (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/service_hoster.js:525:18)\n at ServiceHoster.module.exports.ServiceHoster.do_request (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/service_hoster.js:112:18)\n at /home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/service_hoster.js:61:27\n at Function.Lib.with_lib (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/lib.js:230:14)\n at /home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/server/services/service_hoster.js:36:24\n at run_fn (/home/ec2-user/bubble/lib/u/u.js:1123:11)”}},“stack”:“Error: unable to verify the first certificate\n at TLSSocket.onConnectSecure (_tls_wrap.js:1051:34)\n at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:189:13)\n at TLSSocket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:441:20)\n at TLSSocket._finishInit (_tls_wrap.js:633:8)”}

It works good from Postman, but not via API connector.

Any ideas?


Same here.
My error is “Unable to verify the first certificate”.

Anybody knows if is possible to disable ssl verification for an API from the API connector?

Thank you so much

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any luck with disabling SSL verification?

I think it can be happen due to node.js.

You can use bubble plugin actions to call your 3rd party api rather using the api connector. May I can help you.

What do you mean by bubble plugin actions? Can you elaborate more?

Integrate private bubble plugins with help node-fetch/fetch to implement this.

I’m sorry. I didn’t get it. Can you please elaborate more? Thank you.

Nauris, if your API endpoint uses “https://”, you might want to try accessing it with “http://” (without the “s”).

I encountered the same issue, and switching to “http://” resolved it for me.

However, please make sure that you are doing this in a staging or testing environment, as using “http://” without encryption is not secure for production environments.