API workflow debugger?

Continuing the discussion from "step by step" debugger mode for API Workflow actions?:

Nobody replied to this…but I think you are correct @cheskiefisch, there is not a debugger in the API workflow. Really frustrating. It should be implemented.


You can implement it yourself (kinda) by writing to a “log” table as you go through the steps.

And also the built in bubble log (which is not the most user friendly thing) can help.

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Thanks for the suggestions! Extending the debugger to include API workflows is definitely needed, but I’ll try these ideas in the meantime.


I am running into this also.

How is best to set this up?

Desperately need a way to view what’s going on ‘behind the scenes’ as an api workflow is run/completed…


any update on this? Any workaround?

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I need to debug a backend workflow. Any updates on this subject?

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The same question