API workflow Saving to Database Option Set Field

I have an api workflow that pulls in data from SmartSheets to store data in my app’s Bubble database.

All data returned through the api is json text in nested arrays (Sheet - Rows - Cells).

One of my cells is for designating as indoor or outdoor. I set up the database to utilize a predefined option set for this field so that the data is always entered as Indoor or Outdoor and no possible user variations such as outdoor or out door or possible typos.

When I pull this data in from the API I’m having a difficult time saving it to the database with my scheduled API workflow.

Long story short, if cell = X, set database field option to X, if cell = y, set database field to option Y

In the field ‘IndoorOutdoor’ set the value to:

Get an Option [IndoorOutdoor], all options: filtered: this option’s display is ‘This Main Service… relevant field’: first item.

That is another way I’ve been trying to get this to populate. The problem is This Main Service… isn’t a selectable option.

This is as close as I can get to that but the problem is I can’t point it to “This” item in the list

Still looking for help. I’ve gone through every possible iteration I can think of to make this work. I’m not understanding why I don’t have the right options to push this through. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Just do the filter on the second workflow… (there’s no need to have a parameter of indoor/outdoor on it… you can just filter All Options directly in the second workflow