Apple Pay intergration

I need help as i am pushing my app on IOS however it got rejected as i am not using apple pay.
To use apple pay i need the below:

  1. Upload the ( i need to create a folder for.well-known however i know bubble can host the file but the directory is different as i can’t create the .well-know diretory)
  2. Is there any way to integrate apple pay to it, i mean i just want to publish to IOS.

or anyone can shine some light to me as i have jam in this process for months.

If you’re using stripe to accept apple pay you can try this plugin.
Even if you’re not using Stripe you should find away to host the file from that post.

The simple answer is yes, you can host the file.
Just upload the file to bubble and name is it exactly as required by apple (.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association).
You will need a paid bubble account to host files.

I am a paid user.
i can only host in the main domain.
can you advise how you can create a folder to host in the directory below:

In default you can only host in

The file name is

I need to create a folder /.well-know how do i do that?

You don’t need to create a folder, bubble will handle that for you.
When you upload the file, in the file name box, enter exactly below and it will work:


Make sure to include the dot ( . ) infront.

Hi now i have complete the step 1 and now i need to replace what to sk_live.
Which do i need to replace with the secret key in bubble?


secondly i try to use the demo but i can’t see the button.

I believe i just left a bit more and thanks for your kind help

On Chrome or Edge you should have android pay or respectively Microsoft Pay activated on your account.
On safari you should have a apple pay activated.

Sorry , i don’t understand what you mean. I followed your steps in the plugin page…

Here, it says to replace sk_live_**** in my dashboard of stripe. What do you mean by that?

Also, in the link below, the image ‘pay now’ does not appear. is there something wrong with the image?

Anyone can help thanks

Ignore step two for now. Should still work without it.
Just make sure you’ve entered your stripe authorization and shared keys in the plugin settings of bubble

I just tested right now and it worked for me.

Are you able to see the Pay Now button from the Skype documentation below? Wjat browser are you using?

I am using Chrome with Mac book. Safari with Mac book also not working.

You have to have cards either on Chrome or Safari for it to work.