Audio record file before saving to bubble

Dear all and @lindsay_knowcode

I need your help. I would like have the recorded audio file (binary file) before saving into Bubble’s DB so that I can pass the binary files to API from front directly. The API only received binary audio files.

@lindsay_knowcode, I have tried your plug in Audio Recorder Pausable. (by the way, great job on this plug in!:+1:) So far what I understood is that the plug in generates Audio blob before saving the audio files into BD. Unfortunately the audio blobs did not work for the API I am connecting. Is it possible to create temporary binary audio format files before saving in your plug in?

Thank you so much for your help!

The file type created by the plugin is mp3. That’s a very common audio format and I would generally expect an API consuming audio content to support this common file type.

Are you 100% sure that you are passing the blob to the next API correctly?

Hi Lindsay,

Thank you for your reply. The exposed state (Audio Blob) is the mp3 format?
Since the API only receives binary file, what I am trying to do is

  1. Creating mp3 file using your plug-in
  2. Pass the mp3 file before saving to Bubble by using Mult-ifile Uploader which will set dynamic link connected to the exposed state.
  3. Pass the files in Muli-file uploader to API.

I tried millions ways to set this up. But concluded this is the only since all recorders save the file in Bubble first and bring it to users based on the request. Once saved in Bubble, it only brings URL for the file, so the binary files can not be passed to API.

Hope explains the challenges.

Best regards


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Optionally the plug-in can upload to any URL, not just Bubble storage - look on the demo page where it explains how to upload to an S3 bucket like wasabi, backblaze etc.

But we are having a parallel conversation over email - let’s figure it out there.