Auth0 - Not Found

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to build an Auth0 integration into my Bubble app. I’m using an API Connector to do it and I’m basing what I’m building on this post by u/stephane and this post by u/NigelG.

My workflow is literally one step as I haven’t gotten past this point yet:

The problem is that when I click on the “Get Started” button I get redirected to an Auth0 page, but the page simply says “Not Found.”. Here’s a short video: Loom

I’ve tried changing Callback URLs and endpoints, but that hasn’t changed much. Does anyone know what the problem could be?


@nocodeventure just published this :grinning:

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Yeah, I’ve seen, but I need to do it through the API Connector :sweat_smile:



I know how to set up APIs and API Connector, I’ve done it a few times already, just never with Auth0 :sweat_smile:

Here’s what I have for the current integration:

Not sure, how it is different from this post by u/stephane

AuthoriZe not AuthoriSe :grinning:


I’m facepalming so hard right now… Literally spent days on this…

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