Auto add entry to an App Data if an entry was not included in the results?


I’m working on a Attendance App so what i want is When i Created an Attendance i will input only those who are Present and those Members that i didn’t input will automatically set as Absent or will be added to my Absent or Present App Data…

i have a Attendance Results page which will show all Present Members that i Created

here’s the result

it was under my Attendance App Data

now i also have a Absent or Present App Data

All Members that i didn’t add or create to my Attendance page will be automatically added to my Absent or Present App Data is it possible? if yes how?

Thank You


Schedule an API workflow on the list with your condition. The list being in this case the repeating group. Let me know if you need more information

thank you for your answer but can you please elaborate it more because i’m just only a beginner i’m not sure what you’re talking about :slight_smile:

Thank You

Go to the API workflow Folder (Expose it under settings > API > check mark get/post
Head over to the API workflow folder
Create a API Endpoint and don’t Expose it as public
Create a parameter for it that is the same thing as your repeating group
Then in the workflow add your Data>Modify existing thing or Create with the changes that you want
Then head back you your repeating group and add an action to a button to Schedule an API action on a list and pass the repeating group in it

i’m kind of lost i didn’t know what exactly i will add on the api workflow but i already made an api can you please help me adding the right info in my public app?

i have an attendance form (attendance_form page) that when submit is click the data will be displayed in my test_result page, and what i want is to add an Absent entry under Status column in my absent or present AppData

here’s my public app btw

Thank You so much

@AliFarahat follow up on this one

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