Automatically close the popup

I would like to be able to open the popup in full screen and automatically close the popup after a specified time. How can I do it?

Hi @nikitasolovey1

Create a custom event , add an action “Hide an element”, when you show the pop-up, schedule this custom event.

An alarm is displayed after the time you set on the following page. It’s the opposite of what you want but the logic is the same. You’re just going to hide it instead of showing it.

This free template has an example of how to use the corresponding action, and much more! I hope Bubble will be a good resource for your learning.

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@ eren Thank you so muth! It is great!

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What did I do wrong?

That’s not what @eren said to do. You hav eto create a custom event and then schedule that custom event



I do not understand …

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

If that still doesn’t make sense then I would start learning some bubble fundamentals before moving on.

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And for full screen popup follow this Fullscreen popup

It’s probably just easier to add a delay after a button is clicked.


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