Backend API Workflow SOS: plz help!

I have a list of text stored in my database. Eg. (item1, item2, item3).

I am calling a backend API workflow on this list when someone presses a button.
Here is how it looks:

As you can see, I have the parameter, websitelist, that takes the text of the item in the list as it iterates through it.

Now what I want to do is use the parameter numberinlist which would represent the item # that “websitelist” is on the list .

I have spent many hours trying to figure this out and am banging my head against the wall at this point. I am looking to find out a way to create operating commands in numberinlist that somehow takes “this text” and finds the item # that it represents in the list.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

Can you send the editor link? We can probably solve it for you but need more details.

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Right now you have a list of texts with no associated values so like you’re saying, you can’t tell which “text” is #3 or #1 on your list.

So you can create a new bubble data type called “SpecialTexts”
Which have a “text” and “number”

Then you can still do the functionality you describe while knowing which “text” corresponds to the number you want.

(And if those numbers change you can always make that either the first or last step.)

If what I’m saying does not make sense let me know. :slight_smile: Goodluck.

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