BDK Native Apps - Build before you buy

We did offline support using dexie.js

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David, yes - we are. Have you managed to get hold of @gaurav over the last couple of months? We canā€™t seem to get in touch via BDK website/standard emails.

Hi all. Does anyone know how to set up Firebase Analytics for custom events?

How did you accomplish that?

Iā€™m having trouble getting a response and Iā€™m worried about whether this is still an active project or not?

Iā€™m having issues loading Apex Charts in BDK, does anyone have any experience?

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Hi all. Has anyone encountered such a problem? For some reason, with one purchase, the event triggered twice
BN-Inapp (Android) In-app purchase successful
From the logs you can see that the difference between events is 1 second.

Why did the successful purchase event in the BN-Inapp (Android) app fire twice?

Google console play does not have this subscription at all.

how is this possible?

Itā€™s a couple of days I am trying to contact them and I didnā€™t get any response too.
Could you eventually talk with them?
Thank you

Hello everyone,

We are using the bdk native plugin to wrap our web app. Lately i have run into many performance issues, lags, crashs , white screens sometimes.
i optimized my app moved many heavy tasks in backend so performance was good for a while but lately i lost like 10 seconds of performance all of sudden. it seems its a bdk wrapping porblem, is anyone else having the same issues ? ( moving to the latest version of the plugin completly kills the app )

I tried contacting @gaurav but got no reply :confused: .

Thanks everyone for your help.

Hello everyone,
I hope you are doing well. What are the essential elements that I absolutely need to strengthen in order to hope that my application is published directly on the app stores? I have my Terms of Service/Data Privacy in place, but I havenā€™t finalized the development and privacy rules yet. Additionally, Stripe is well configured. Thank you in advance.

Iā€™ve been working in a app with BDK NATIVE. BDK NATIVE allow you to put in a Product ID. My questions its Whatā€™s it is the Steps to create the Product ID in the different platforms like Apple and Google Play. Iā€™ve been trying to gather information about it, but it hasnā€™t been possible.
Thank a lot!

Iā€™m currently testing in IOS test flight using BDK to wrap my bubble app. However every time I close out the app it logs me out. I reached out to BDK and they had no insight. Neither did bubble support. Does anybody else have experience on this? Iā€™m more just concerned whether or not this same behavior will continue once I get the app into the actual IOS app store?

Appreciate any advice!

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Would be thankful to anyone who has already solved this issue:

Floating group used like header on the top of the screen.

On webview it behaves like a floating group, but in Native BDK preview it behaves like a regular group (for example in native you donā€™t need to adjust top margin of the elements beneath the FG).

The major problem is that I made an app as a single page app and in native preview (BDK) floating group stays as a blank group still occuping space (when hidden). it does not collapse and does not behave as a FG (doesnā€™t float above elements but behaves as a regular group without collapse feature).

How is it possible to fix this? Cause I need to use FGs in native but I need them to collapse when hidden.

Once again I am talking about Native preview in BDK.

thanks in advance!

I have found the solution for managing calculations using BDKā€™s apps to be working well.

However, the issue is that it requires data to be loaded into the hidden repeating group before it can sort it.

So how do you manage that when you have 1000ā€™s of items to be sorted through after having put in relevant contraints?

Iā€™ve reached out to @gaurav but thought Iā€™d check if someone had found a workaround.

Thank you!

Hi @gaurav!

Just want to share that I am so happy with your BDK Native Plugin!

I have a question about optimization though. It may be a noob question as I am not a developer.

But do you have any tips on how I can make my videos load faster on repeating groups? A video has up to 30 seconds and 50mb.

I noticed that every time I go to home (newsfeed) the app loads the whole thing all over again instead of just the new videos uploaded to the app.

Any tips and advice will be much appreciated!

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I have Google and Facebook logins on my app and they work fine with the web version, however, we have the app wrapped as a Native using BDK and they are not working within the BDK Native version.

Is there anyone who can share some guidance on this issue :pray:

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Hi Tyler,
I am struggling to set up Push Notifications for iOS.
Android I can easily send from OneSignal Directly.
However, I added a button to send a Push notification with the workflow according to the BDK Native Documentation using the OneSignal Option 1:

and I am getting this error when I push the button:

Could you help with how to setup the iOS notifications capability since you said that was easy for you?

Thanks in advance for your kind support!

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As Iā€™m not the plugin developer, Iā€™m not sure what that error may be referring to - but it appears as if a needed value is empty or incorrectly formatted.

Are you referencing a dynamic value? Maybe the object is empty? You can use Bubbleā€™s debug tool to ensure that there are no null values.

Also, if you could provide more screenshots and context I may be able to be more useful.

I hope this can get resolved quickly for you!

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Thanks Tyler I was able to resolve it-- needed more setup on the OneSignal side. Thank you anyway for your kind response!

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Wonderful! Glad you got it working :slight_smile:

Anyone else getting this warning? Do we know whether or not the BDK native wrapper is vulnerable to this or not?

Do we need to order a rebuild of our app to solve this and keep android push notifications working?

Also is @gaurav still around? Havenā€™t seen him on the forum in a while.