Hi all,
I’m struggling to understand how the Bubble system iterates data (collected from an external API) and how best to use a back-end workflow to iterate through arrays collected in that data.
Let’s say for example, I have the below data that was collected from an external API.
“Id”: “af2eee6f-3166-3d-cddfbb9a786c”,
“Status”: “OK”,
“ProviderName”: “Invoice Away”,
“DateTimeUTC”: “/Date(1623335767929)/”,
“BrandingThemes”: [
“BrandingThemeID”: “10d6aad7-a4fc-4e4d-83b-c25401a8e96”,
“Name”: “Standard”,
“LogoUrl”: “”,
“Type”: “INVOICE”,
“SortOrder”: 0,
“CreatedDateUTC”: “/Date(1548546016503+0000)/”
“BrandingThemeID”: “10d124d7-a1412c-4e4d-81241b-c251a824e96”,
“Name”: “Not Standard”,
“LogoUrl”: “”,
“Type”: “INVOICE”,
“SortOrder”: 0,
“CreatedDateUTC”: “/Date(154854602303+0000)/”
My data type in my Bubble db is called Branding Themes.
Its field structure is
BrandingThemeID - text
BrandingThemeName - text
I’m using the ListPopper plugin cause I love how performant it allows my workflows to get, but I don’t know how to recursively loop the data after the first iteration cause the data from the external API doesn’t match a data type
So my question is, how best do I get around this? I need to be able to iterate through each branding theme, to either create/update a branding theme. I know to do this last part, I’m just struggling with the iteration.
I have in the past used Integromat for all of this, but would like to keep as much functionality in-house in Bubble if it is at all possible.