Best way to create/update things in Bubble from data collected in external API

Hi all,

I’m struggling to understand how the Bubble system iterates data (collected from an external API) and how best to use a back-end workflow to iterate through arrays collected in that data.

Let’s say for example, I have the below data that was collected from an external API.

“Id”: “af2eee6f-3166-3d-cddfbb9a786c”,
“Status”: “OK”,
“ProviderName”: “Invoice Away”,
“DateTimeUTC”: “/Date(1623335767929)/”,
“BrandingThemes”: [
“BrandingThemeID”: “10d6aad7-a4fc-4e4d-83b-c25401a8e96”,
“Name”: “Standard”,
“LogoUrl”: “”,
“Type”: “INVOICE”,
“SortOrder”: 0,
“CreatedDateUTC”: “/Date(1548546016503+0000)/”
“BrandingThemeID”: “10d124d7-a1412c-4e4d-81241b-c251a824e96”,
“Name”: “Not Standard”,
“LogoUrl”: “”,
“Type”: “INVOICE”,
“SortOrder”: 0,
“CreatedDateUTC”: “/Date(154854602303+0000)/”

My data type in my Bubble db is called Branding Themes.
Its field structure is
BrandingThemeID - text
BrandingThemeName - text

I’m using the ListPopper plugin cause I love how performant it allows my workflows to get, but I don’t know how to recursively loop the data after the first iteration cause the data from the external API doesn’t match a data type

So my question is, how best do I get around this? I need to be able to iterate through each branding theme, to either create/update a branding theme. I know to do this last part, I’m just struggling with the iteration.

I have in the past used Integromat for all of this, but would like to keep as much functionality in-house in Bubble if it is at all possible.


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I’m running in to this exact issue. Did you ever come up with a solution?

Hi Melissa, check out the ListPopper plugin by Keith