Best way to get a unique list

I have a form that users need to fill in for where they spend money the result is something like this

This is for the income area, then there is a bunch of expense areas.

At a later date in this app I am going to want to create a dropdown based on column 1, however I only want to see unique entries. What is the best way to do it, is it best to create a second table when making this one that only unique entries will go into, if so how do I get that to work?
Is there some way that an option set could be created with the same purpose in mind?
Failing that can the dropdown be made to only show the unique fields within the column?
Im a while away from needing to actually do it, but figure if I ask now I could set up the DS correctly to make it happen.

:unique elements is the operator you’re looking for I believe, which will take a list, and remove any duplicates so each entry appears only once.

For a dropdown, that means if an Option appears more than once, :unique elements will make it appear just once.

Thank you, that worked perfectly.

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