Better barcode scanner, similar to Airtable’s


Lately I’ve had to use Airtable due to a client’s preferences. I’m not the fan of it many are. Thank goodness for the plug-in. One thing I do really like is Airtable’s barcode scanner. While a few of the barcode scanner plugins available for bubble work, none of them work anywhere as near well as Airtable’s.

This barcode is in an odd location that doesn’t allow good positioning of the mobile device to get a good read. Someone also put packing tape over the label sticker that creates a glare, which doesn’t help. The available bubble plug-ins can’t read it. Airtable can every time.

I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in building a barcode scanner plug-in that works as shown above. My work is mostly in industrial and construction environments which often create more challenging situations.


I am also very interested in this.!

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What about Microblink Barcode & QR code Scan Plugin | Bubble in “Deep Scan” mode to account for not ideal scanning conditions ?