May 2, 2024, 5:17pm
Like I said, this question have been answered a lot of times on the forum. There’s multiple solution. I prefer to use a plugin to convert the jsonto serialized url. But there’s more solution than that.
Thanks, will check it out in a bit.
Here’s my API connector setup:
Hi Everyone,
I’m messing around with the API Connector & Stripe. I want to add/update Customer Capabilities using this API request: Create an account | Stripe API Reference
However, I can’t really figure out how I should enter the request parameters for the capabilities. I know it’s an array, but since Stripe won’t accept a JSON body and wants everything in one long string user parameters, i’m in the dark.
Can anyone help me out?
How do I send an array in one parameter;
How do I make the co…
I’m trying to include an array in a call to Stripe, which takes Content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded (not JSON). I’ve set up my connector like so:
So you can see it all, for line_items I have [{price: “price_1MNRr6AsMDYPdgF3Dc2eaWos”, quantity: 5},]
When I try to initialize, I get the following error response:
Status code 400
"error": {
"message": "Invalid array",
"param": "line_items",
"request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs/req_t8NczNlw…
Hey @adamhholmes ,
Any clue how to populate the [number] fields without saving each to the database?
Hey @nemanja.rilakovic ,
I’m having the same issue! Could you share a bit more details about your solution?