Box plugin stop show images - Erro 401


Please, anyone has some tips to solve this problem with images storage with BOX platform.

I’m using the native Bubble Box plugin


I’m having the same problem over here. Already submitted a ticket to the support team. Also using the native plugin.

Even if I delete the privacy rules to make the file public the problem still persists…


I’m having the same issue :confused:

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Someone from Bubble has any information about it?

I’m thiknig to create a new integration from dev console BOX. Because, the problem is 401 - non authorization access, maybe we need to renew the token

No news yet. They submitted the ticket to a team that works from 9-5 monday-friday. Probably I’ll hear from them just on monday. Let me know if you manage to fix it by creating a new integration…

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Exactly, I was given the same response that the team specializing in that issue will only be available on Monday.

I have tried create a new app from dev console BOX, but nothing change

I have exactly the same problem! I tried to contact Bubble support but without success. Did you manage to resolve it?

It’s very unlikely that Bubble will fix this Bubble in the near-term. The best, fastest workaround would be doing this via the API connector and integrate with Box’s API directly.

Anyone more with this problem.
We have any answer from Bubble about it?


Just got a head ups from them.

No answers from bubble team, but the plugin started working again… Previewing all files normally