bubble down - repeating groups cannot load
anyone else?
yeah i think theres an issue as i’ve had it fall down for a few clients
Same issue
Oh, man…Bubble, come on! Two days in a row.
same here
Yep down again for me too
Yeah same, up and down in the editor timing out
Can’t access the editor and my app is also down.
Editor and apps are down. This is a bad one
Had the text alert that it’s resolved so fingers crossed
It keeps getting resolved, but then a new error message pops up.
Yes i’m still having issues loading anything
Where are you seeing the errors popup?
It might come back soon… I hope
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Getting an error 525: SSL handshake failed from Cloudflare when accessing both my Bubble apps and Bubble.io itself, or occasionally getting a message simply saying “you hit balancer”
We’re actively working to address this - will update this thread as soon as I have more information.
Not even ‘Delayed Releases’ are preventing all the latest outages. Does anyone know if this is happening to Dedicated Apps as well?