Bubble down MAY 8th? SSL handshake failed Error code 525

yes…and bubble knows this. it’s def not a tactic to get us to upgrade. we all want bubble reliable.


Same - unbelievable

Their status page is powered by two elements I believe

One element being automations, so whenever their systems detect troubles it outputs it to the status page. Which means whenever it sees that the issue has been resolved for even one second it marks it as “All clear,” until it fails the next second where it creates a new incident vs adding onto the previous

The second element being whenever a human writes a response on it

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Ah Jaysus.

Looks like its back for me, anyone else?

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It seems so.

Hey Bubble, we need answers. If you plan to do this periodically, we deserve to be aware of it. Our work and our projects depend on it.


Yes. Back for me too

What do they charge for that anyways? I heard it’s pretty pricey, right?

Front and user based workflows work but backend WF don’t work!!! Any API call done to a Bubble server is broken!


Of course

North of USD 3.5K for a single app

This can’t be per month, right?

Hi all, couple quick updates. We had two unrelated incidents in quick succession:

  • One of our main cluster databases went down due, which would have affected some apps
  • Our main cluster got hit by a DDoS that took down our main Bubble servers

Right now, the database is back up, and we’re actively mitigating the DDoS and seeing things mostly recovered. We’ll keep you posted


At least $3k /mo as a minimum - the minimum term is generally 12 months. You can sometimes negotiate that to 6 months or something, but it’s a long term project really.

Josh… all API calls towards our apps are broken, people can’t login to their apps if they use any API calls to validate users or any SSO service.

I think it’s from Bubble having CF’s DDoS mode on

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Looks like they just turned it off

Thanks for the reply George. Ouch. Small businesses must be getting pummeled right now. Hope this improves soon…

NEW Drinking Game :new:: What’s your Prediction on the takeaways from Bubble’s post mortem.?
Drink a shot for each choice you picked that ends up being used. (I can’t build any apps so building a poll instead :frowning: )

    1. We shipped something that we didn’t anticipate would cause any major issues
    1. We unintentionally shipped something, Ooops.
    1. We guarantee you :100: this outage didn’t impact any dedicated servers
    1. We made PR to QA and GitHub assumed that was you guys. If it’s not you, can you direct us to the QA team?
    1. We take what you say very very seriously.
    1. We decided to finally calculate actual WU consumption instead of the arbitrary number we were using before and the servers couldn’t handle it (Not to rub it in your faces’ but as you can see we were right that it should be a arbitrary #)
    1. Downtime, Shmowntime, we know you won’t care about all that when we release our semi-native phone app :iphone: feature in 2025.
    1. We wanted to make sure you got off your rear and went for walk on this beautiful day :walking_woman: (in NY at least)
    1. EXTRA CREDIT: We will not address in any way whatsoever why we always make big updates during work hours :office:
0 voters