First, I’ll say I like Bubble.
It has a lot of capabilities…although other platforms are also increasing their capabilities. And, they use Bubble’s new pricing methods to advertise for their benefit.
What I don’t understand is why it takes so many calculations and scientific formulas to figure out the pricing.
I don’t believe in the long run this will be a sustainable model.
Over the holiday season…theoretically, WUs will spike beyond other seasons.
I would rather just be told: ‘Your monthly fee is $2500’, or whatever.
WUs are totally based on the user’s usage of an app. That can peak or plummet depending on the season or a whole host of other scenarios.
The pricing model as it stands is just not one that can be easily calculated.
It’s hard enough to learn Bubble…then on top of that, you need to learn the whole pricing thing which takes several other courses to understand…and several forum posts to try and get tips on how it all works.
As I said before, new users aren’t worried about the pricing because they’re just wanting to get an MVP to market.
I have used all types of clouds and there wasn’t one that had pricing as confusing as Bubble.
Maybe, in time I’ll figure it out after I do more research…this after all the research I’ve done just to learn Bubble.
I don’t get it. I don’t think most new people get it. I don’t think it will be sustainable.
After a year, I’m still learning Bubble. I’m sure I’ll keep plugging away at it…but, I do have my reservations.
Maybe after a year of learning Bubble I still am slow at learning the pricing model…but, if I am, I’m sure others are too. But, as I said, most new people aren’t too concerned yet because they’re still trying to get an MVP to market. But, when they do I guess they’ll need to figure it all out.
Just my thoughts.