Bubble & Make.com HTTP request not updating Post Fields

I have an API POST that sends information to a webhook in make.com which then takes the information and creates social media content and also takes the unique id from bubble and assigns is to a new key ‘post_id’. At the very end of my make.com flow I have an http module that sends this information over to update my POST fields [instagram_content, facebook_content, post_id, etc.]. The backend workflow I set up is called, handlewebhookcontentresponse and I believe the url is working because I get a status 200 success from make.com. However, the fields are not updating (i’m checking in App Data - All posts). I really am stuck and if anyone has a solution for me thank you thank you thank you!

Did you check privacy rules? Logs to be sure each fields are parsed correctly by Bubble?
Also, are you sending the content-type header? (But I don’t think it’s the issue because Bubble seem to answer with 200 response)

Hi @Jici, thank you for your response. I just double checked privacy rules for my data type and the backend workflow. I had some restrictions so to test I allowed basically everything and ran again and didn’t get anything. How do I check the logs in bubble for this? The content-type is application/json and is parsed before sending. I’m fairly new to this so sorry if this ends up being a basic error.

Go in logs → server logs, click on advanced and enabled related logs for backend wf ( request for api workflow, error running api workflow…) Logs tab | Bubble Docs

make sure your JSON is valid (however again, I don’t think this is an issue since you got a 200 response… )

Thanks again @Jici. I was able to take a look at the logs. Unfortunately, I can’t decipher what exactly is the issue as I’m still not seeing the info pop up. Maybe I should mention that I’m running the test through a fake user I created by going to all users → run as ->. I will post some pictures since that may help.

Your backend wf sent from make is run as anonymous user. If you are not using API key, Bubble will apply privacy rules. Actually, other user (everyone else) doesn’t have access to this data type. Test by enabling ignore privacy rules on your backend wf to see if this work.

@Jici I do have the backend workflow currently running with the box checked to ignore privacy rules for the workflow.

Hey, @Jici just wondering if you have any other ideas of what is broken in my setup. I am currently looking into how to map the user_id. I had originally assumed the unique_id would work fine since it should be attached to the user but it is coming up as anonymous.

I was thinking it was working with the ignore privacy rules. Are you on the last Bubble version?
Pretty sure actually your issue is related to privacy settings. I guess that the Search return nothing. Enable everyone can view all fields and find this in search
What do you mean by map the user id? If your goal is to “bypass” privacy rules by sending the user id, it won’t work. You need an auth step in backend WF to get an access token to act on behalf of this user.