Bubble Mobile Apps Editor Roadmap and Timeline

Thanks Nick,

Everything sounds awesome! :tada::balloon:

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This sounds great and the announcement has exceeded my expectations of what’s going to be possible. Personally, I’m far more excited for this than the AI page generator and think this has far more scope. Great work Bubble!

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:fire: :fire: :fire: the countdown begins

This is great I can’t wait to try it

When you do developed the offline editions functionality, it would be wonderful if you can build it compatible for both Mobile & Web, where on the web it would be storing and editing in client-side and then only update them on the DB when prompt by the desired trigger.

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This is the first update in a while I’m excited to read about. Great Effin work!!!


Just curious if the plugin API will be based on React 19 (currently in beta). Sounds like React 19 has some really nice QoL improvements for devs with the introduction of a compiler.

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@nick.carroll I am keen to hear answer to this question, which you missed to cover in your response.

Also this.

Please clarify a bit on this. Can we copy reusables? Can we copy groups with “copy with workflows” actions?

Also, can we have a hybrid app? i.e. Which has some pages native and some pages just displaying pages from app? (This is how we have native mobile apps right now. We just show a webview of the page in a native screen).

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Most of that sound nice! but…

Can you explain more about that @nick.carroll? I understand that, if we want to build mobile app, we will need to buy another plan? And create another app actually?

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This is awesome thanks for the update guys!

Will there be a way to:

  • build widgets
  • use native audio recording and listening (also keeps working when phone is locked)
  • local storage (sqlite equivalent) with downloadable elements within the app to be used fully offline, even if limited and no specific data synchronization initially (example: access downloaded content like spotify/netflix)
  • connect with other apps data (google fit, apple health, calendar, contact list)
  • image/video download to device (would that include external s3 aws/cloudflare images)
  • deeplink
  • device’s locale and language setting
  • accelerometer
  • haptic feedback

Also will this still be based on Workflow Units? If truly native, I guess not all actions would use a workflow units servers as it’ll be on-device. Or would that mean a different workflow unit pricing (none for front end interactions vs loading data).


We can’t for this, this super exciting and will unlock a new world of possibilities within Bubble :pray::fire:

Will this come with the new workflow editor? I’m more excited about improvements to the workflow editor honestly.


Thanks for the update, Nick.

It seems most of what I wanted to ask or say has already been said. So I just wanted to thank the Bubble team for their amazing work.

That said, I think I’m going to wait a good while before trying the mobile experience even if I got access to it earlier. Give Bubble some time to iron out some kinks and what not.

I did not know I would need to rebuild some pages or elements, although that makes sense. But I’ll like to see it in the wild first for a while so I can strategize how to approach my development moving forward.

I’ll most likely stick to building the web app first + mobile. I guess we’ll see.


This will take my Agency to the next level … Really looking forward!

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Question - What if we just want to create our web app, with all of our mobile responsive views / workflows, etc. And then just want to add it into the app store via wrapper like we have been doing … vs redoing the front end in the new way… can we still do that ok? or is that option removed / restricted from our development path?

Maybe I’m being over enthusiastic but Bubble app → mobile app would surely be one of the more reasonable and useful applications of a Bubble AI integration? After all, all the UI/workflows/database structure is there, so provide that to the AI page by page / RE by RE as necessary and it’ll make changes as desired, changing UI elements to native ones and any relevant workflows/actions :slight_smile:


Is there anything we can do with our current apps to help prepare them for this capability?

It would be nice to hit the ground running if/when we are invited to the beta!


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Amazing news @nick.carroll
Can’t wait to take a dig at this!
I wonder how push notifications are going to be handled under the hood.

Will this be an entirely separate editor, or will we be able to compile some existing webapps into native mobile apps (with necessary tweaks of course)?

Hi @nick.carroll,

Why have pages and mobile views separately? Doing things twice feels a bit like a waste of time and energy (and money). It should be possible, app builders like Adalo.com and Flutterflow.io already offer the option to build views for both web and native mobile.


Now that native code is generated from bubble, is it not the right time to give a code export option ?