Bubble only for web? (Smart Tv's and mobile devices)

Hello Everyone,

I’ve just stumbled across Bubble and it looks amazing!

Right now Im overwhelmed by it but Im sure that will fade with experience. My question: Bubble is it only for web apps (internet web pages)?

I’m looking to create apps for Smart Tv’s and possibly mobile devices, can this be done with bubble (mainly smart tv’s and how bubble fits in with developing on mobile?).

I appreciate any feedback as a brand new bubbler).

@luminrabbit a lot to cover but the short answer is:

  • Bubble apps are web apps that work best in a regular browser
  • Yes you can embed bubble apps in any other tech that lets you load webpages (like a webview on mobile or for smart tvs)

The second is a bit more involved and you’ll have to deal with the platform rules AND dive into a minimal amount of code to wrap your bubble app.

You might want to look into AppGyver for that.


Hi Kayami,

I really appreciate the response!
I did find a video on YouTube after posting here, that discusses this topic:

I think I’m good with webapp development for now until I learn how to really utilize the tools. It’s also great to know that it is possible in the event I create something that takes off :grin:

Again thank you for the insights!

I did but it doesn’t seem to have everything I’m looking for and that ok, looks like I’ll become a bubbler (happy to say) :grin:

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