2 years ago, I was building a Blog, and I was thinking about Bubble to build it, but just realised how slow the page loading were, and that it would be a huge handicap;
BUT, i’ve noticed recently, that some of the pages were loading almost instantly.
How have you done it ? and how can we accomplish it too ?
bubble might want to add some disclaimers to some of their blog posts then…
this post says you can can build forums and social networks and websites (presumably blogs) on bubble
yet bubble itself doesn’t use bubble for their own forum or blogs
it’s also a bit of misdirection to state “we built bubbles website on bubble” when a large chunk of the website - the blog - is actually built on ghost…
I understand that blogs are largely marketing tools but it doesn’t do much for bubbles credibility and trust when users find out that bubble doesn’t even use it’s own product to build the things that it says it’s product can build. lol