If you check F12 when on bubble.io/ you will see in the console the usual snippet “this site is built entirely without code with bubble.io” or something like that.
I’ve not checked code but I’m fairly certain it is bubble built, I just checked their URL structure & slug style without multi paths like most external blogs would. Their blog isn’t on a subdomain it’s on the same domain as the main website which is bubble built for sure.
It does however feel quicker🤔
Edit: I’ll check it out when I’m at a computer tomorrow if no one else has a firm answer by then because I’m curious myself.
there are so many blog solutions with years of use and improvements that makes more sense to use one of them and focus your energy on developing your product instead of reinventing the wheel
the beauty of the code is an human construct.
the crawler inspecting your page doesn’t even notice that, it will parse the html structure, no matter how beautiful or ugly it is, and will look for specifoc tags. then, if it renders the page in a browser, can measure loading performance and similar metrics, but the structure of html does not play a part here, only the way the content is loading and the page is rendering.