I know I said it was my last post on Friday, but I just had to circle back one more time, especially since the crickets from Bubble and @laura.oppenheimer (not to shoot the messenger, it is certainly not your fault there are not answers) are deafening.
It’s now 4 days after the experimental DB triggers, and there are absolutely ZERO, NADA, ZILCH WUs being calculated or displayed for activities that are universally understood to consume WUs ( see image and 4 circled activities - DB trigger (.05), Server Side WF (.60), Scheduler (.10), Modif a thing (.50)). I may be missing something (please let me know), but this appears to be very strong evidence that WUs are not being calculated in accordance with the activities that Bubble has provided. How on earth does Bubble justify billing millions of dollars for metrics that are, at best, not calculated properly and legitimately, and, at worst, are completely inaccurate and possibly arbitrary?!? Anyone?
Finally, we know Bubble makes it impossible to try to extract actual WUs from the logs with its impossible filters, constant timeouts, and inability to search or extract logs, but this example is mind-blowing. I did a search for logs for a ONE minute duration on May 24th without any additional filters in "user email: or “contains” fields.
Even with such a limited query, Bubble gives me these random logs from days later (May 26th)! ( in addition to the logs for those minutes) (@chris.williamson1996 and we optimistically said a few hours can be retrieved without the logs crashing)