Bubble storage level

I can’t remember where to look to see how much data I have stored in Bubble at the moment. I want to check if I am reaching the 10GB limit.

I used to look at this regularly, so I am not sure if it has moved… or I am just being dim and can’t find it!

Hey there @major_groove,

You can find how much storage you’ve used in the “Logs” tab of your editor, then scrolldown. It should look something like this:

There is it! So it is where it was before, which means I was just being dim. Lol! Thanks.

Also I am nearly at 3GB of storage on the personal plan. Eek!

What I usually do once in a while is go through my app and go to the file manager to delete the uploaded files that have higher file sizes, but before I delete it I check to make sure if the user who created it still exists.

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