BubbleWrapped Megathread

Is this only available for live apps?

Edit: Sorry. It was in the promotional tab of my Gmail. I seldom use Gmail. I’m a little slow about things sometimes :upside_down_face:

Nico where did you get this screenshot from?

Edit: found it. The general part of the email.

Def a typo. It meant to say 26.5B


There’s a section below “Your 2024 Wrapped” which is for “Bubble’s 2024 Wrapped”:

lets keep it going


Mine shows a different perspective, just as a boot-strapping founder with 1 app, mostly pre-launch - and I have to say that undo button count seems low :sweat_smile:

My favorite day to Bubble doesn’t surprise me - ideas often come to me when I’m busy during the weekend that I can’t wait to implement on Monday!


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You legit used element inspector to change the numbers :rofl:

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Oh I waiting for this…
Can we use inspector in email body too ?
Actually I used https://photext.shop/ :wink:

Damn it, had a 225 days editing streak last year xD


:grin: And yet if I click on your profile picture…

Weird, my “app views” are almost half of last year but my subscriber base is larger now… Is it just counting page loads? Because I certainly did some things to reduce page loads so perhaps it’s that.

Compared to last year:

2024 was a blast, onwards to 2025!

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idk how was I able to make 50+ app. :face_with_spiral_eyes::face_with_spiral_eyes:


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This year was a slow year for me. Too much time building plugins. Gotta up that editing streak for 2025!


Some of you guys have some awesome stats and I’m proud of you.

All your hard work at learning Bubble has paid off.

Hopefully in time I can compete with you :slightly_smiling_face:


Props to everyone putting up big numbers. As you can see, no-code isn’t a “shortcut.” The best results still come from putting in the most hours. This is fundamentally why low-effort one-click AI builders result in slop.


Nobody else is a Sunday Driver Type?

By far the most insightful part of this is…

Next year, I want to see more of Bubble Wrapped…like number of new users, number of new live apps, number of RFPs submitted, number of plugins installed, number of templates installed etc. Give us some actionable numbers.


Every day is a good day. Even Saturdays! :slight_smile:

“Do whatever it takes, so that one day you can do whatever you want”

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