Buildcamp flexcamp - Master the new responsive engine

Hey Bubblers

Join us tomorrow (6pm GMT) for our live kickoff event to celebrate the launch of our highly anticipated Flexcamp.

Go from zero to hero with our huge content library covering every aspect of the brand new Bubble responsive engine in detail.

Carefully curated content with contextual visuals and supplementary videos.

:white_check_mark: Fundamentals, Wire-framing, Theming
:white_check_mark: Containers, Rows, Columns
:white_check_mark: Spacing, Margins, Alignment, VH, VW

Hosted by master coach @gregoryjohn

Hot out the oven sexy containers, ready to copy directly into your app :paintbrush: :rainbow:

:white_check_mark: Marketing themes
:white_check_mark: Dashboards themes
:white_check_mark: Headers, Footers, Navs
:white_check_mark: Hero, Content, Pricing, FAQ, Contact
:white_check_mark: Galleries, Tables, Grids, Lists

Created by my good self :grinning:

:lock: Private camp space within buildcamp

:lock: Learn at your own pace structure :running_woman:

:lock: Cohort project showcase to flex your new skills :clapper:

:lock: Direct editor access to all custom containers :eyes:

:lock: A fun and vibrant community Discord to chill :hot_pepper:

Q&A welcome > peer-to-peer support :raised_back_of_hand:

:lock: Join our like minded peers :brain:

Our biggest camp to date :tent:

:lock: Live super build kickoff :muscle:

Watch me go from 1px > 320px (mobile) > 1280px + (desktop) and speed build the new Bubble editor live :rotating_light:

:white_check_mark: All cohort members will get a carbon copy to reuse
:white_check_mark: Dark and light theme

:lock: To claim your last minute seat :point_down:

See you all tomorrow :christmas_tree: :santa: :wave:


Great work Buildcamp team, keep up the quality content!

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Cheers Geoff :zap:

Thanks Bubble community, nearly hit the astounding 100 cohort signup.


Live kickoff event starts at 6pm UTC today - watch @jameore rebuild a version of the Bubble editor using flex :fire::zap::eyes:

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