Is it possible to buy a product on stripe through Bubble? all I can see Is subscribe a user to a plan or charge the user which seems incompatible with buying a one-time payment product.
Is it possible to buy a product on stripe through Bubble? all I can see Is subscribe a user to a plan or charge the user which seems incompatible with buying a one-time payment product.
Are you using a Stripe plugin, or the API connector?
And are you using Stripe checkout or your own checkout process??
If you’re using Stripe checkout you can just include the checkout code for the product directly on the page and not even need a plugin or an API call.
Im using bubble’s stripe plugin for everything. What do you mean by checkout? i only have actions like subscribe to plan/charge the user etc.
Checkout is Stripe’s own hosted checkout (where users are redirected to Stripe’s domain where the charge is processed) - if you’re using V3 of the Bubble Stripe plugin then you’ll be using Stripe Checkout.
As far as I can see there’s no way to charge directly for a specific product from your Stripe account using the Bubble plugin (although I’m not that familiar with the plugin myself so I might have missed something).
So if you need to do that you’ll either have to use the API connector (or there may be another plugin) and set the line_items.price
to the price ID of the product, or you can use the ‘Checkout Code Snippet’ from Stripe directly on your page.
It might be simpler to store your products in your App database and then just use the ‘charge a user’ action on the Bubble plugin to charge the user.
If you really need to charge for a specific product then you’ll have to either make your own API calls, or use the Checkout code to link directly to the checkout for that particular product.