How to determine what product is purchased using Stripe plugin

While working with the bubble-made Stripe plugin, I found one serious issue.
In my app, customers can purchase the individual product without putting into a shopping cart.
Let us assume the following case.

  • One customer tried to purchase Product A and now on the Stripe checkout page.
  • Then, without entering CC info and clicking pay button, he tried to purchase another Product B and also on the second Stripe checkout page.
  • He payed on the two Stripe checkout pages at once.

Then, how can I identify which product is for which stripe payment on bubble workflow? (I can get only the result of previous step.)

Is there any way to pass my custom data to Charge the current user action?

Please help me to solve this issue soon.
Thank you.

If you need data not available via the dedicated Stripe plugin, you probably need to configure Stripe webhooks to notify your app or else configure your own Stripe API calls using Bubble’s API Connector.