Calendar - NEW Plugin from Skillum

Hi Bubblers I am pleased to announce the official release of the Skillum Calendar plugin.

Skill Calendar is developed based on the API Fullcalendar 4.3.1 (

Which is better?
1. Download the calendar plugin on the page to organize after loading the entire page, by event or by pressing a button.
2. On one calendar you can show events from several entities

  1. Install Skill Calendar plugin.
  2. Add the SkillCalendar element to the page.
  3. Enter group ID for the SkillCalendar.
  4. Fill in the required fields.



Exposet states:
Clicking on a cell returns the following parameters from the calendar.
select_start [date] - Start date for the selected cell, set when the Select event is fired
select_end [date] - End date for the selected cell, set when the Select event is fired
When you click on an event, its parameters are returned from the calendar through the state.
click_start [date] - Start date of the highlighted event
click_end [date] - Date of completion of the highlighted event
click_title [text] - The title of the highlighted event
click_id [text] - Unique ID of the highlighted event
Select - Event is triggered when a user clicks on a calendar cell.
*Click - Event is triggered when a calendar event is clicked. *


Action caption: Load Calendar
Description: Downloading the library (css and js files) Fullcalendar 4.3.1 (

Action caption: Create Calendar
Description: This action creates a calendar. To create a calendar, you need to load the plugin scripts by executing Load Calendar
Data Formattyng: Custom -> yyyy-mm-dd’T’HH:MM:ss

Action caption: Set Locale
Description: Setting a new locale for the calendar

Action caption: Load ButtonStyle
Description: Set the color settings for the calendar buttons.

Action caption: AddEvent
Description: Create an event on the calendar

Action caption: Load CalendarStyle
Description: Change the style of the table (font and borders)

Action caption: Load TextColor
Description: Change the color of the title, days of the week, and date.

Action caption: Edit Event
Description: Changes the event settings in the calendar.

Action caption: Delete Event
Description: Delete an event from the calendar.

If you have questions about this plugin or need help, please contact


Do you have a link to the plugin? I don’t find it in the plugin section.

Plugin status: Pending review

Hooray! Approved our plugin))))

“Hello! We are sending this email to inform you that your Calendar plugin (Fullcalendar 4.3.1) has been approved by Bubble and is now available to Bubble users. Congratulations! Thanks for contributing to the Bubble ecosystem. Bubble”

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Hi @lstk.kb

Always great to have new plugin. Thanks. I found this when I tried the calendar.

update: fixed @lstk.kb , thanks.

Hello! You could not tell in more detail your actions. So that I can deal with this problem.

Instructions for testing features.
Go to the calendar page
see Img. 1

  1. It is necessary to register by clicking on the Login button see Img. 2.
    You can use PASSWORD-test. As a result, you will see Img. 3
  2. Create the events Task1, Task2, Task3 see Img. 4., Img. 5.
  3. Create the events Test1, Test2, Test3 see Img. 6, Img. 7.
  4. We create events Webinar1, Webinar2, Webinar3, Img. 8.

    As a result, we got a model of teacher events. Img. 9. By assignment, the events created by the teacher cannot be changed by the student.

    Now we will test the calendar settings.
  5. Language selection see Img. 10, Img. 11
  6. Set the button style see Img. 12, Img. 13, Img. 14
  7. Set the table style see Img. 15, Img. 16
  8. Set the color of the inscriptions see Img. 17, Img. 18
  9. And the last opportunity is to create student events. They are created by clicking on the calendar cell. Event1, Event2, Event3 see Img. 19.
    By clicking on Event1, you can edit it see Img. 20.
    At the bottom of the page is information about the list that is transmitted to create the calendar. see Img. 21

    Result see Img. 22.
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Hi! Well presented everything. Functionally. A customizable interface is a great option. Thanks fo job.

Hello! I plan to write detailed instructions for installing the plugin. :slight_smile:

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Very nice calendar. Wide functionality and detailed instructions (which is not always found).

Hey @lstk.kb, i have been tryign this plugin out. after setting it up and before adding events to my DB, the calendar does not appear. in my console i see this
‘Property start list in action create calendar is null’
however when i preview the app from your editor, there are also no entries to the calendar but no error about an empty start list.

any ideas on this?

[UPDATE] I solved this issue by including a comma after each data source

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