Can apps be backed-up and restored to a new app name?


When I started my app, I just chose some arbitrary name. Now that I have created something I want to use, I would like to move it to a more suitable name.

Reading through the Bubble support site, I’ve come to learn app names are immutable, however, I’m wondering if there’s a way to export my app, created a new app in Bubble with my desired app name, then import my app and data.

Finally, I understand that once I register a domain, end users won’t see the undesired app name, but before I go live, I want to see if this is an option.

Thank you.

You can clone/copy an app along with the data from your Bubble dashboard and give it a name of choice

Thank you. I don’t see a copy or clone option. Can you be more specific?

When you login to your account and land on the page where you see all your apps, you can open “more options” for the app and there’s a duplicate button which asks you whether you want to duplicate the data as well