I have a custom state called “Question Number” and then a bunch of groups that are assigned a # (ie Question Number 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, etc). I want to make an element visibile when certain questions are active.
I know I can do “When question number is 8 > this element is visibile”, but how would I do that for many numbers? My goal is “When question number is 8 or 10 or 17 or 22 > this element is visibile”
Is that possible? Or do I need to create a separate conditional for each?
If your custom state is a list of numbers you can check if the question number is in the custom state list. Or, if the custom state list contain the question number.
Seeing your print I think I misunderstood what you need…
Every group have a number? You want to show or hide them based in their numbers? Where are you going to inform the numbers of the groups you want to show?