Can I Upload users into app

Hi! I currently have two apps & I’m consolidating to one app.

I’d like the process to be smooth (unrecognized by my users)

I have users & user data in one app & I want to transfer that data to my other app. What’s the best way to do that? Can I upload users into my app?

We don’t support this (because of the password), but you can use an API endpoint and use bulk operations to do this.

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Ok cool- is there somewhere I can go to read more about this/ see a tutorial?

I see where to do the bulk operation, but how would you recommend setting up the API endpoint. I haven’t used API features yet.

We don’t have a tutorial yet, but we have this which explains the different concepts. let us know if it’s not clear


Is it still unsupported? I’ve done a test importing successfully users from a csv, the thing is that they need to reset password before they can login.

Is it a correct approach or am i overlooking something?

No, it is something they have added since 2016.

That is one approach to do it.

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