Cant find a solution without the expression builder beta that has been removed a few days ago

Now that the expression writer beta feature is removed I constantly find myself having bugs that I cannot solve without it. As an example:

This is what I want

But this is what is happening and I have no idea how to change this without having the brackets…

Please help me come up with an alternative solution as I am blocked with the beta being removed

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Using the “arbitrary text” feature, then insert dynamic expression and lastly, converting the arbitrary text to a number worked.

However I am dissatisfied with this solution as it will get very messy with increasing number of nested brackets. I do not know why they had to remove the beta expression writer…

The parenthesis continue to exist. You need to go in settings > versions and experimental features to activate them. This should be like what you get with the Beta. The main difference are not on the expression itself, but how you can modify it (adding something in the middle of the expression is not possible anymore)

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