Can't reference data inside Table's repeating Rows?

I understand that the feature is in beta.

But this sounds like a basic functionality.

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Instead of “This Row…”, back up in your expression and do you see “Current row’s [table type]”? For example, in my table of users, this is what I get:

If you’re inside some nested groups within the row, try referencing one of the groups (as long as the group’s data source ultimately points to the current row’s X).

Hope this helps!

Coaching No Code Apps

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I have the same problem! I want to display data in a floating group, but have no options for current row…

hi @romanmg

the problem occurs when clicking the repeating row

when I click the buttons inside the row, I can reference the Row’s content.

Is there any workaround for this? Some way to reference the index of the data source object based on the row index or something?

Would be SOOOOO convenient to have this feature.

Hi everyone,

If you’re having trouble referencing the current row, you can try using a custom state. When you click on a row, save its index or data in the custom state. Then, you can use that state to show the data in the floating group or anywhere else.

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OK, I put together a solution. Check it out: coaching-sandbox | Bubble Editor

I’m using this plugin to help detect the cell we’re in: Active Cell Plugin | Bubble

  1. That plugin “cell” element should be inside one of your table cells. Hide it by default.
  2. Add a condition to the plugin element to make it visible when the row “is pressed” (I never use this state, but it’s actually perfect for this).
  3. Then, add the plugin workflow event “cell is active” – the cell will become active when it’s visible, which will happen when you press anywhere on the row.
  4. The workflow will now have access to the row’s thing. In my example, I’m setting a state to track the selected User.

You can preview my example to see it in action. Agreed this should just be a part of the table :sweat_smile:

This feels like a very basic use of the table, being able to reference that table’s row’s thing. @fede.bubble any word on if this is on the team’s radar?

Shared with the team. They said they are planning work to address this :smiley:


Thank you!