When I use “set a thing slug” I can’t use this slug later in the Workflows.
e.g. Workflow: 1. create a new thing > 2. set thing slug 3. go to page adding the slug in an extra UTM parameter (it will go blank)
I could solve this by adding the new thing to a state and then using it later but it would take a lot of WUs and processing.
Can you please help me? Thank you.
How you referring to the slug?
It should work if you refer it as Result step 1(Create a new thing)'s slug
There is no such option for the action “Set a thing slug”. Please try it
These were the 2 logical solutions that should have worked and I tried them right away but didn’t work that’s why I came here. This seems more a Bubble’s bug than a logical problem.
Workflow: 1. create a new thing > 2. set thing slug 3. go to page adding the slug in an extra UTM parameter (it will go blank)
It works fine for me… are you sure your thing’s ‘slug’ isn’t restricted by privacy rules?
I could solve this by adding the new thing to a state and then using it later but it would take a lot of WUs and processing.
Why would that use any WUs? (not that you need to do that - the standard way works perfectly).
It is supposed to be super simple and easy but it is not working, maybe it is a bug.
I am doing this actions:

Setting a thing slug:
Evaluator of the thing (slug is set!):

Evaluator of the Slug: (not the thing’s slug but the text used to set the slug):

Everything is not working. My slug is “chapter-section-15” and not “Chapter Section”.
“Go to page” is opening a page with the utm “chapter=Chapter%20Section” (not unique) and not “chapter=chapter-section-15” (even if I am using the “Section’Slug”)
I’m not sure I fully understand (it’s a bit hard to decipher from such limited info)…
what makes you think it’s not working?
It looks to me as if you’re just looking at the wrong thing - but without seeing inside your app it’s impossible to say.
What exactly is ‘repeatingGroup’s Section’?
What is your GoToPage action doing?