Challenging Project - Building configuration screen to create KPI in Admin

Hi Guys - I would LOVE your help on this one!
I am trying to create my MVP for my Mental Health business. I want to create a platform where my clients can conduct assessments, and the data gets displayed in KPI on their dynamic dashboard.

I currently do this all manually via forms, excel, PowerBi, but I am heavily reliant on a guy to do the power bi backend every time I want to make one small change - it’s painful - I need a way to automate this asap.

I would love the ability to create my platform, where I, the Main Admin, can create assessments on a ‘configuration’ screen, apply weights for each answer, and then allocate the question to a category. Each question needs the ability to apply to many types with the weight of the answer.

Must have :
Customer login
Dashboard showing data from survey
Dashboard needs to be dynamic, for instance, if I click male - it will only bring up the data and results for male respondents.

Options I’m thinking about -(considering ease/time/complexity)
Client push-out assessment by creating a QR code/emailing it out.
Having the assessment written in the backend of bubble

I would love to get this off the ground asap as my vision for improving mental health is tremendous. So many people are struggling in silence and it’s time to help!

I would love to talk to anyone who would love to help me on this amazing journey. :slight_smile:

Are you looking for someone to build this for you or perhaps with you? Or are you just looking for some guidance and insights?

Hi @ralphlasry ,

Guidance and insights into the capability of what bubble can do to work out a good plan for building it. I would definitely look for someone to build this with or without me.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Hi Emm;
If you want some guidance and insight into what bubble can and cannot do for you, I can provide it
However, could you please tell us why you decided to program with Bubble instead of traditional methods?

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